Monday, April 11, 2011

Syllabus and Test Techniques


It's basically a list that is ordered by date and general topic, which serves as a general outline of a particular course. Some basic components and characteristics of the syllabus are:
1. Time Schedule: It can be based on the content to be reviewed from class to class or a specific test date.
2. Materials: This refers to the materials that will be used in the course, such as required or optional books.
3. Evaluation Breakdown: We can see what the grading system is composed of, for example the number of tests and the amount of weight each one has to come up with the final grade.
4. Objectives: It should specify what the student should be able to accomplish at the end of the semester.
5. Policies: Rules that are explained in case of an absence or any other situation that the student could face during the semester.
6. Basic Information: In this category we can include information about the institution and teacher contact information.
Test Techniques

I think the most effective test techniques are Questions and answers because this technique make it possible that the students think, analyze and combine ideas for her answers.

“True and False” could be effective test because when the sentence is false the student should write why it is wrong, and the last is “Dictation” because the teacher could see if the student is capable of listen and write the information.

The least effective test technique is “Matching” because it not always prove if the student know, a lot of choices of the students could be by chance.

We also can add other ways to evaluate like projects for example oral production like debate, oral presentation and we can evaluate it with rubrics.

For example:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Activity 1       
We would present this activity to the students in the following matter:
1.       Ok students, today we’re going to play a game.
2.       I’m going to show you some pictures
3.       I’ll show you the picture from a different view
4.       You have to try to guess what the picture is
5.       If you don’t know what it is, say I don’t know or I have no idea  or try it at least
6.       Then I will show you the picture of the object and we can compare answers
7.       For example, what is this?  
9.       It’s a _______________ x5
10.   Show picture
12.   It’s a bottle

Monday, April 4, 2011

Learner Differencces (class 03/28/11)

Box 19.1                           //Check This Entry//

1-How important do you think motivation is for succes in language learning, compared to, for example, language aptitude?

I think the motivation is essential for success in language learning, every one of us have differents motivations, some people want to learn because they want to be professionals like a teacher, translator, interpreter etc. or they want to travel, work maybe is a challenge personal. every one of us know our motivations.

Some people have aptitudes for learn other language I think is important because is a help for the person, but it is not the most important in the language learning.

You can have habilities to learn but if you dont have the perseverance your aptitudes are useless.

Some time we appreciate the things most difficult for us, these could be a motivation.

2-What characteristics and behaviours do you associate with the image of a motivated learner?

A responsible and persistent person. I think these people learn about their bad calification, errors and also they will study most for the next time, their knowledges are reflected day to day.

Box 20.2
Survey of student opinion
                                                                         1 -      Number of people: Six people

   2- Most popular choices: There were the number 2 (it is important for a teacher to care a lot about his/her teaching) and the number 4 (a good teacher treats his/her students with fairness and respect.)

   3- Least popular options: There was the number 16 (a good teacher uses corporal punishment occasionally.)

   4- A possible explanation for the most popular choices, I think my classmates chose the number 2 maybe like students we need that the teachers give us a good teaching and as future teachers we must to care a lot about our teaching, because the form of teaching could change the learning of the students and about to the number 4 I think all good teacher must respect to her student. In the classroom must has a good environment for learn.

5-     Least popular options: There was the number 16 (a good teacher uses corporal punishment occasionally.) About this point I think a teacher can not uses corporal punishment, that would be a great mistake.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Personality Test (Myers Briggs) (class 03/22/11)

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are

Slightly expressed introvert
Moderately expressed intuituve personality
Slightly expressed feeling personality
Moderately expressed judging personality

Personality Factors in a Second Language Acquisition Class 03/21/11

There are many factors that influence in a second language acquisition, but is difficult to describe the affective domain. A large number of variables are implied in considering the emotional side of human behaviour in the second language learning process.

Each one of these factors explains the process how these factors influence in a second language acquisition.
These factors are affective domain, Inhibition, risk-taking, anxiety, empathy, extroversion and motivation.

Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

                                                                                                                                                                                       Class 03/17/11        //Check This Entry//

When we acquire other language there are a lot of barriers that we find in the way, these could dull the learning.

These barriers could be: insufficient time, dull text books, affective factor, other things going on, every day communicative requirements are in the first language.

The acquisition of the language is a natural place, for example when people go to live to the country, they acquire the language. It is different when this people learn other language because this is in an artificial place, for example in a classroom with a teacher.

There are methods for help this process, next I show to you a map where you understand this process.